I'm so excited that my new blog is up and running! PS Petals Place (pspetalsplace.com) is a blog devoted to keeping body positive content in front of tween and teen curvy girls...who I like to call "Petals!"
With topics ranging from dating to parents to fashion/beauty, PS Petals Place offers quality content and opportunities to vent in a safe and supportive environment online.

My favorite feature of the blog is the Self-Confidence & Esteem page. This page will gather articles from around the interwebs that will help build self-love and encourage young girls to embrace their curves while committing to fitness and wellness. We'll also tackle the difficult subject of bullying and how to cope in addition to providing hotline information in the case of a crisis.
Spread the word to young girls...Petals...you know who would benefit from taking checking out pspetalsplace.com --the place where you are more than a number on a scale. I really wish that there was something like this for me when I was a tween/teen and that's why I'm committed to providing this service to today's generation of curvy girls...Petals!!!

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