Friday, August 29, 2014


This month has been a whirlwind! So much has and hasn't happened. But, I just read a tribute to a wonderful woman of God who had to battle an illness which eventually transitioned her from this life to the next. I usually shy away from reading such things in the morning or at all, but because I'm feeling rather vulnerable today, I bit. I read about her life and how she met her husband. I read about her commitment to serving God and man. I read about her family, but it was the words of her husband that touched my heart and brought on the tears. He praised her for braving the illness with a renewed faith in God. The fact that she was ill did not change her spirit to serve. She impacted the lives of anyone she came into contact with while she should have been the one receiving the encouragement. Whenever I read how a husband praises his wife, I immediately recall Proverbs 31:28 .  Then that sinking feeling comes upon me. I wonder if I'm living an impactful life. Then my heart longs for the day that my "husband' will speak praise filled words of me for living a life well done. I don't even have a husband yet. Woe is me.  "Stop!" I tell myself, "you are looking at life with your own eyes." I must learn from the tribute about this wonderful woman of God. I must look at people and life with Jesus' eyes. So I challenge you to check your eyesight today. Are you using your eyes to judge people and situations, or are you using Jesus' gracious and loving eyes to perceive the world? I'm dedicating myself to doing the latter.
Support breast cancer research and finding a cure here and here!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Monthly "Ponderable" Thought

I totally forgot to post my thought for July, so here it goes...

Why is it that expectations and reality oft times ride on two different waves?

Sidenote: Despite how reality doesn't line up with expectations, if one keeps the vision clear and ever before the consciousness AND releases the outcome, reality gets with the program. Poor Tom...but only for a season. If you have not seen this movie, please buy it today! (500) Days of Summer will change your perspective on relationships and truly make you declare your intentions and desires. 


You have to have a vision of what you want in order to get what you want!

I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday about positive visualizations and expectations. She became slightly irritated by my emphasis on knowing exactly what you want in order for it to come to pass in your life. I told her I had been reading quite a few books on getting what you want in life and intention setting. On top of those readings, my contemplative life through prayer and meditation has put me in a very calm space where I can see my desires (faith) and as they manifest, my gratitude opens pathways for more manifestations. Alas, she grew more and more defensive the more I asked her what her “breakthrough” looked like. She would express to me what she wanted in vague terms and I would ask her to be more specific. Why did this exercise make her uncomfortable? I believe it was because she didn’t really know what she wanted, but she knew that what she was getting was not it.  I have by no means reached pure enlightenment, but at least I’m on the right road.  I am very excited to move closer to this enlightenment through the next installment of the Oprah and Deepak MeditationExperience that starts next week.  Sign up here.  This time the theme is "Expanding Your Happiness!" I’m happy just thinking about the growth I will experience on the other side of the 21 days.  Of course, I’ll post an update once I begin the process.

In other news, football season has started and I am excited for my son. He’s glad to be back on the turf with his buddies. This will be his first year of tackle football.  I know that this season will be unforgettable, which will fuel his love for the sport.  Getting through the next few weeks of practices will be a challenge for me because for 2 hours Monday through Friday, I will be posted on the sideline watching him go through drills.  There isn’t a track for me to walk/run laps, so I’ll be sitting. I’ve taken a book out there to read which I’ve added to my current reading list.  I check Facebook and emails.  I chat with other parents. However, I want to get active but in an inconspicuous fashion.  I’ll post my ideas whenever they appear.

Lastly, pitching my book to agents is a slow and arduous process.  My query letter is pretty good, but I guess I will rework it for my next round of queries.  I had a Holy Ghost hunch on Saturday while I was at a church meeting that I need to go back to work on another book I started in January and develop it. So, I’m putting the brakes on the research and outlines I had begun for a couple other projects and putting all of my energies into this revisited project.  This may be the one to get the ball rolling. This may be the one project that takes my writing career to the next level.  

Let's connect! Twitter @akagia

Friday, August 1, 2014

Warp Speed

I cannot believe that it is August 1st already. Soon the Christmas trees will be out in the stores, and 2015 will be upon us. Don't forget tax free weekend starts today! Get those supplies and clothes tax free, I know I will! Any excuse to shop will do for me.

Back to time's movement...Honestly, I'm a bit torn about the speed at which life is moving. On the one hand, I try to squeeze every moment out of my son's childhood that I can because it is obvious that the 10 years until he enters college will be a flash.  Yet, on the other hand, I am excited about accomplishing some goals that I have desired for a long time. I have a long list of things I need God's grace to do, and time will be my friend in that regard. The quicker time moves (in our perspective), the sooner I will get "there." I know what I want to happen when I get "there." I just can't wait to get "there."  *sigh* As Steve Harvey said on his morning show this morning, patience is what will keep me and get me to where I want to go..."there."

My trip was a success. I packed way too much, but if I hadn't packed everything, I wouldn't have had enough. Funny how that works. New York is fabulous! I started a short story while I was traveling. Hopefully, I'll put the finishing touches on it and post it somewhere. We'll see.

Another great recipe is coming soon....