Friday, August 1, 2014

Warp Speed

I cannot believe that it is August 1st already. Soon the Christmas trees will be out in the stores, and 2015 will be upon us. Don't forget tax free weekend starts today! Get those supplies and clothes tax free, I know I will! Any excuse to shop will do for me.

Back to time's movement...Honestly, I'm a bit torn about the speed at which life is moving. On the one hand, I try to squeeze every moment out of my son's childhood that I can because it is obvious that the 10 years until he enters college will be a flash.  Yet, on the other hand, I am excited about accomplishing some goals that I have desired for a long time. I have a long list of things I need God's grace to do, and time will be my friend in that regard. The quicker time moves (in our perspective), the sooner I will get "there." I know what I want to happen when I get "there." I just can't wait to get "there."  *sigh* As Steve Harvey said on his morning show this morning, patience is what will keep me and get me to where I want to go..."there."

My trip was a success. I packed way too much, but if I hadn't packed everything, I wouldn't have had enough. Funny how that works. New York is fabulous! I started a short story while I was traveling. Hopefully, I'll put the finishing touches on it and post it somewhere. We'll see.

Another great recipe is coming soon....

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