Monday, June 2, 2014

In a Cloud

I’m over half way through editing my book, and I stumble upon this . Why??? I know, a little dramatic in my response, but as I watch each video, I am compelled to start the editing process over. I want to make sure my verbs interject the liveliness of the characters that I envisioned when I first began to write of their exploits. I want to make sure my commas are in the right place to demystify my intent.  TED strikes again by both inspiring me to strive for excellence or at least my personal best and drain my time one 10-minute talk or lesson at a time. But, if I look at this uncovered treasure as a necessary step toward honing the masterpiece I desired to create, then the time taken away from actual editing to watch these very witty, informative vids would be more of an investment than a “time suck.”  Either way, I must change my deadline to June 11th. That is the absolute drop dead date for my edits to be complete.  We shall see how well that works out. I see some late night ahead!

In other news, since completing my 21-Day mediation experience with Oprah and Deepak, I have truly been in tune with my inner self. I have devoted myself to living in the moment and realized that I am changing. The jury is still out whether this change is beneficial or detrimental (I wanted to say “good or bad,” but because of this compelling argument , I decided to choose otherwise).  I am tuned into the rhythms of the universe and find myself in position to be of value to others in very meaningful ways. I am amazed at the fine-tuned forces that are at work in my life at this very moment propelling me forward and God’s way of using my openness of heart to give me the direction I need to obtain the promise. Here’s a very vague example:  This past weekend when I should have been locked away writing in a room like the late great Maya Angelou used to do, I was at the mall with my family. I was having a delightful time getting my son outfitted for summer camps.  My mom wanted me to dash over to the perfume department to pick up her favorite fragrance, but I told her that we were not in a hurry and we should all go sniff around.  So we did. The men went to look at men’s shoes while the ladies sniffed out fresh fragrances for the summer.  In a moment of pure serendipity or contrived coincidence, a friend of my mother’s approached us….this story will be continued one day, but just let me say that I was in place at that specific time for reasons that I will let God and the universe orchestrate.
I snapped this photograph with my IPhone. This absolutely beautiful cloud appeared after a very damaging storm.  The fact that this cloud appeared so low and reflected light with such brilliant colors was the reason why I had a visceral response to it. I will try to paint this scene one day using watercolors, and I'll be sure to post the finished product.

Lastly, with the passing of Maya Angelou many of her interviews and quotes are readily available broadcasting pearls of wisdom. It is quite sad that one must pass on from this life into eternity, for all of us to truly appreciate the content and quality of that life in the earth.  The plethora of YouTube videos, articles, and Oprah’s tribute on OWN have me greatly inspired to walk in her footsteps as well as tread some new ones.  I pray that many generations to come, will recognize the gem that she was as well as identify and celebrate the gems we have among us now.

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