Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck
(Three Rivers Press)
I will never be the same. I am on my way to my North Star. I have a clear path to get there and I am attuned to my "compass." My mom has stacks and stacks of books in her room that she has received as gifts through the years, but never had the time to read. One morning, my son and I camped out in her room to spend some quality time with her. I was drawn to a little blue book sitting atop a pile. Little did I know that my life would be changed forever. The first line, "Right in the middle of my life, I realized that I wasn't where I wanted to be." I was stopped dead in my tracks. I tuned out the TV and the conversation my son and mother were having. I heard only my heart beat and those words resonating in my head. It felt as if I had written those words myself. I actually have, but in my journal...countless times. I read on: It was like I'd wandered off the right path into a very, very bad neighborhood." Yep, this book is for me! I whizzed through the introduction, but had to put the book down because I realized that I was about to make some major changes that I needed some time alone to accomplish. I went on with my day and life got a little busy. But, the book kept "calling" me. I needed to get to work on my destiny and the nagging feeling that I was wasting time agitated me.

One evening, I swiped the book from my mom's nightstand and that's when it happened: I began moving toward my North Star. Less than a week later, I had a "catalytic event," I was at "square one," and I was in perfect position to actualize my "WIGs." You will definitely have to read the book to find out what the heck I'm talking about, but you will be blessed, changed, altered, and emotional when you read the book. If you want clear, easy-to-follow instructions and exercises to get your life on course, this is the book for you. She gives clear examples to use as points of reference for your own situation. I actually felt my perspective shift during the course of the book; where when I looked back at some of my early answers, I had a different response. Puh-leez, get this book for yourself, a new graduate, a retiree, anyone who wants to "claim the life you were meant to live."
My coworker ordered it immediately and I know that after a week on the beach (she's not going in the water because she loves her limbs), she will come back with a new perspective!
Have any of you read this book? How has it changed your lives. Leave a comment below!
Follow-up: I started my own business... Scaled-uP Apparel
Thanks Martha Beck!!