Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Relationship Reality Bites: Rejection

No one wants to be rejected, but it happens all the time. You're trying to change lanes, so you turn on your signal and check your blind spot. There would be enough space for you to slide over, but the car speeds past you leaving you feeling...rejected.  You apply to a job that you are more than qualified for and you even get called in for an interview, but one day you get a letter in the mail that starts with "We regret to inform you...."  You've just been....rejected.  You express your feelings for a guy that you've been dating and the below scenario ensues...

I have come to tell you that you CANNOT let the pain of rejection paralyze you. You must dust yourself off and walk into your destiny. You will eventually change lanes and get to where you headed. You will get a new job that is even better that the one that played with your emotions. And as it pertains to relationships, remember that there are millions of people out there. There just has to be someone out there for you. You can let it happen serendipitously or you can get some algorithms working for you. Check out the TED Talk video by Amy Webb and you'll see what I mean!

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